Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Grand July Surprise

Without intention, my house has hosted a fair number of parties this summer. Through the heatwave, there were a few dinner and wine parties with the regular crews. For at least a few Sunday hours, times were good, wine flowed freely and good company.

Yet I only had to show up unaware at the one I remember best.

Nancy threw me a surprise birthday, in my own house no less. With my actual birthday falling the following Sunday, when I would be visiting my sister in Seattle, she sprung into action and surprised me better than anyone in ages can claim. Ten close friends, some of whom I had not seen in months, descended on the apartment and turned a supposedly sleepy Sunday into a grand time.

A lot had to happen before we got to the party. Saturday was my last day at the wine store. I came down to her house that night, and we didn’t do much. She had plans to fish on the Stones River with one of her friends, and I looked forward to day without doing anything constructive and getting updates from the riverbank about Nancy's fishing haul.

Wade had been calling repeatedly since I left Murfreesboro. There was a strange urgency. Finally, I answered. He wanted me to visit. He had set up the kiddie pools for his daughter and said I should join him for a beer. He even dangled the chance to use his washer and drier. At the time, it did not occur to me that I should question how he knew I needed to do laundry.

After nearly two hours, my anxiousness showed. I wanted out. Wade told me I could not leave. He would not provide details, but told me that was not an option. Something was up at my house. Until the word arrived, I wasn’t allowed back.

 Rather than imagine what awaited me, I accepted the surprise. Why shouldn't I? I was never the kid who hunted for Christmas gifts hidden around the house. I might have an idea of what lies ahead, but why spoil it?

The all-clear call came. As I drove over, several days worth of oddities popped into my head. Nancy insisted on vacuuming my living room on Saturday. My old friend Holly never responded to e-mail asking about her weekend plans. But for the most part, I drove up, gathered my laundry basket and walked into the unknown.

Aside from the friends, the place had been decked out in streamers and balloons, some delectable hors d'oeuvres and finger foods plus with a fondant cake courtesy of Nancy's sister. This collection of friends surprised me in and of itself. Nancy did her homework and the most important people during my five years in Nashville were all present.

When it ended, the day seemed like a fine dream, delving deep into unexpected joy. Unlike a dream, there was plenty of excellent leftover cake.

Ommegang in cake form topped off this special gathering.

1 comment:

Ish said...

Hi there,

My Fiance stumbled across your site and sent me the link.

My firstname is Ishmael so it made us both chuckle with the title of your blog :)

I even expected one of your favourite books to be Moby Dick - with it's famous first like (well for me anyhow).

Take care.